CPRCertification.net specializes in online CPR training classes that are enjoyable, easy to understand and most importantly educational.

All training material and certifications are issued through the American Safety Training Institute.

CPR Certifications are nationally recognized and accepted worldwide. The CPR courses are developed by board certified medical professionals and safety training experts who have over 50 years combined medical knowledge and training expertise.

A training program is only as good as the individuals who have created it. This is why we bring in both medical professionals as well as safety training instructors to ensure the training is knowledgeable as well as easy to comprehend. All training materials follow the most recent nationally recognized guidelines and are immediately updated anytime guidelines or procedures change.

We strive to make the safety training experience an enjoyable, educational, low stress process. Having proper CPR training can be a lifesaver. Our CPR and First Aid courses teach participants the knowledge they will need to recognize an emergency situation and the skills needed to respond with confidence. All certifications are backed by a money back guarantee! Get your CPR and First Aid training through a trusted nationally recognized organization.